What is Authentic Feng Shui?

Contrary to popular belief, Classical Feng Shui is not about putting a frog with a coin on your desk or putting a water feature in your so-called “wealth” sector and thinking these things will bring you money. (In fact, doing this could actually be destroying your wealth: See my free report, The 5 Biggest Feng Shui & Vaastu Mistakes Most People Make and How to Avoid Them.) Unlike the overly simplified practices that claim to be Feng Shui, true Classical Feng Shui incorporates the influence of planetary cycles and time-tested mathematical calculations and formulas. This results in Feng Shui recommendations that are truly customized for the energies that apply to each client and each home or workplace and a particular period of time. This is why Classical Feng Shui practitioners keep clients from making “one size fits all” mistakes that commonly arise with other non-authentic schools of Feng Shui.

By contrast, Classical Feng Shui applies well-defined scientific principles and energy theories to individual situations. Instead of dangerous “one size fits all” recommendations, clients receive personal analysis of their unique interaction with their specific environment. That’s vital, because every structure has its own energy map that determines how it will interact with an individual over time. To assess this, Classical Feng Shui uses a sophisticated compass and complex mathematical formulas and calculations to examine both the physical environment (location and orientation of the building and its relationship to surrounding environmental features) and the quality of energy affecting a building in a specific time period. And by doing both, Classical Feng Shui helps you avoid making mistakes and missing valuable opportunities.

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